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Our Lady of Walsingham icon is made in Greece and is a reproduction of a traditional Byzantine icon. Our Lady of Walsingham is the patron of the domestic church, making this a beautiful addition to your home or as a gift for newlyweds or a new home.

Richeldis de Faverches, a devout noble woman, prayed to be shown a way she could honour Our Lady. According to the Pynson Ballad,

 “ Our Lady led Richeldis in spirit to Nazareth and showed her the house where the angel had greeted her. ‘Look, daughter’ said Our Lady. ‘Take the measurements of this house and erect another one like it in Walsingham, dedicated to praising and honouring me. All who come there shall find help in their need.

‘It shall be a perpetual memorial to the great joy of the Annunciation, ground and origin of all my joys and the root of humanity’s gracious Redemption. This came about through Gabriel’s message that I would be a mother through my humility, and conceive God’s Son in virginity.”

Our Lady of Walsingham Icon

  • Size: 13 x 18.5 cm (5.25 x 7.25 inches)

    Display: hang on wall

    Made in Greece, comes with seal and letter of authentication

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